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Fort Worth ISD 7th & 8th All-City Choir


On Wednesday January 22, 2020, 34 McLean choir students auditioned for the Fort Worth ISD 7th & 8th All-City Choir.

Congratulations to the following McLean Choir Students who earned one of the TOP TEN CHAIRS in their room and/or section!!!:

Soprano 1: Susanna Meyn (2nd Chair), Milian Nguyen (3rd Chair) and Kendall Ebeling (4th Chair)

Soprano 2: Sydney Walker (4th Chair), Liliana Recio (5th Chair), Megan Seeds (6th Chair), Kenzie Kuhn (6th Chair), Piper Archer (8th Chair), Cat Alexander (9th Chair)

Alto: Ava McCain (2nd Chair) and Aaliyah Jackson (9th Chair)

Tenor 1: Hector Escobar (5th Chair), Grant Caraway (7th Chair) and Caleb Hazzard (9th Chair)

Tenor 2: Kolten Williams (5th Chair)

Baritone: Canon Hamilton (1ST CHAIR!!! Which technically means he's the best baritone in FWISD middle schools!) and Ethan Leavitt (5th Chair)

Congratulations to our students who received a place in the All-City Choir!!!

Soprano 1: Olivia Carrell, Carol Garcia and Anna Schwartz

Soprano 2: Grace Nguyen

Alto: Olivia Baumgardner, Elaine Olague and Nancy Galindo

Tenor 1: Adrian Schumacher and Carlos Zarate

Tenor 2: Wyn Black

Baritone: Noah Varnon

Fun Facts:
-We had the most kids out of ANY FWISD middle school selected to be a part of the choir (27!)
-We had the highest percentage of auditioners to earn a spot in the All-City Choir (80%)
-26% of students to audition placed within the TOP FIVE chairs of their room/section
-AND we were the 2nd for highest chairs in the district (by one!)